
Throw Out Insecurities

Do you ever feel like you just can’t get past your own insecurities? No matter our age, color, size or education level, I don’t know a woman on earth that doesn’t question some aspect of themselves. It’s human nature. It’s the hand of the enemy forever at work in our lives…BUT, I have good news! We don’t have to let our hang-ups rule over our own happiness.

Take a few minutes to be a part of our FIRST EVER coffee chat with myself and my good friend Nikki Williamson. Nikki, who is a professional hairstylist at a popular local salon, gives us a little insight to what she hears on the daily from the clients who sit in her chair and doubt themselves aloud. During this chat we are discussing some of our favorite nuggets from the Bible study, “Courageous Influence.

We have to stop disqualifying ourselves based on our impression of others.

If you would like to come along on this journey to find contentment where you are (and not just where you want to be) join my private Facebook Group “Find Your Confidence” HERE.

See you at the next coffee chat!

XO, Laura

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